We Are Thankful!

Dear friends and family,

Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts for Marisa.  We wanted to share a brief update, and then share what we are thankful for in this season of gratitude.

Post radioactive iodine treatment... 

A "welcome home" signed for Marisa, authored by our nine and six year old. 
Doctors remain pleased with Marisa's recovery at this point.  In fact, the doctor of nuclear medicine and the endocrinologist will wait until May before doing the next comparison scans.  This feels like both good and nerve-wracking news.  It is good news in the sense that there is nothing out of the normal projection of recovery that makes doctors want do more surveillance until the spring.  It is nerve-wracking in that we want to know as soon as possible if there are internal changes that come about.  Apparently though, with the slow growth rate of this cancer there should not be much to see either way prior to this six month check up.

We are grateful!
This past weekend, Marisa's journey was featured at our church, along with the stories of other friends.  You can view the video of the service at the link below.  After going to the link, click the play button that sits over the words "All In."  The three stories begin at minute marker 13:29.

Thank you to the Living Word Community Church team for the incredible job on this presentation!  As our family looks back over this year, the things we are most thankful for is what Marisa's cardboard sign lists on the backside (from the video, 24:11).  In fact, in the midst of the challenges of this past year the deepest impressions made on us are not the stresses, rather the provision, protection, and peace we have experienced (and continue to experience).

Provision: Marisa's diagnosis and treatment came at a moment in our lives when we "did not have time for it."  This was a moment when our family was experiencing significant change and transition prior to the diagnosis.  However, as our needs changed we once again found that provision followed right behind.  This provision came in the ways of the best childcare for our kids during appointments and hospital stay, supportive Young Life teammates, unexpected income to cover some medical bills and other miscellaneous expenses, meals prepared and provided whenever it was convenient for us, a wonderful medical team at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and in many other ways.  When I say that every time there has been a need that provision has been right behind it, whether or not we made the need known, I'm telling you it has been every time!  (Thank you to our friends and family who have been so generous to us this year.)

I clearly remember walking back to see Marisa in the OR recovery suite immediately after her surgery.  She was barely conscious and having a difficult time breathing on her own as her vocal folds were mysteriously paralyzed.  In this recovery area there were many patients, maybe twelve to fifteen, each occasionally attended to while they gradually woke up from their procedures and were later wheeled out.  Marisa's gurney, however, was parked right next to the nurses' station and she had three full time attendees caring for her for about a nine hours stretch.  Eventually she was one of the last patients remaining in the nearly empty recovery area.  At that point she was not yet well enough for the Intensive Care Unit as the medical team worked to figure out a plan during these unexpected complications.  From that point until now there have been a string of ups and downs that have concluded with Marisa's nearly full recovery from that surgery.  Her voice has returned and is strong, her ability to breathe is back to normal, some of her numbness has been relieved, the restricted range of motion on the left side of her body is no longer a limiting factor, and her calcium levels are steady. 

During all of this we have experienced a unique contentment and peace that surpasses [our] understanding.  It does not make sense to us in comparison to our circumstances.  Marisa has rarely been afraid.  In fact, she was (is) more resolute than I have ever seen her.  There has been so much I have admired about my sweet and strong wife in this time.  Our kids have experienced an incredible level of stability in moments of uncertainty.  Other challenges that once felt big have been now put in a more realistic perspective. 

Okay, one more P word:
The "P" word that sums up everything written above is the presence of JesusIn fact, I believe the “P” gifts listed above are author by Jesus and have often been played out by our friends and family. One of my favorite names for Jesus is "Emmanuel," which we will hear more often in this Christmas season we are entering.  This name means "God with us."  Through Jesus, God shows that He is personal, tangible, and the definition of love and compassion.  Our family experienced the "with-ness" of God through His provision, protection, and peace that was beyond our expectation and understanding.  Knowing Jesus is not just about following a good example of a good man or just understanding our purpose in life.  Knowing Jesus is life itself, and it has affected the most practical facets of our individual lives.  This is what we are most thankful for in 2018!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends (surpasses) all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7)

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
(Matthew 28:20)

With love,
Matt and Marisa


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