
Showing posts from July, 2018

"I woke up with a voice!"

Dear friends and family, On July 4th, Marisa called me, as I was on an overnight trip with the kids, and said, "Do you hear this?!  I woke up with a voice!"  It is certainly not 100% but it is the strongest it has been since before her surgery in May.  We can even at times hear tones that sound like her regular voice.   Click here to listen to Marisa's message to you. The last time we were with the speech therapist and surgeon Marisa had a flicker of tone from her vocal folds.  At that point, we were surprised to hear that the vocal fold position that led to Marisa's phonation may also begin to further restrict her airway.  We are now celebrating this vocal improvement, and also eager for her next examination to learn what these changes mean.  At this point though, we are encouraged that Marisa's breathing seems to be remaining the same as her voice improves. This week we will meet with the endocrinologist to map out phase two of treatment.  Next week we