
Showing posts from November, 2019


Dear friends and family, Our last update on Marisa's treatment and recovery was one year ago.  We received good news this week and want to share it with you... Remission! Earlier this year in May, doctors were hopeful that Marisa would show signs of remission.  At that time though, Marisa's blood work numbers did not quite reflect that as a reality.  After a check up in August and two follow up appointments this past week, Marisa's endocrinologist said it is official... Marisa's test results currently show no presence of cancer!  We are in celebration mode! Marisa's energy levels continue to increase, though they are not at 100%.  Her doctor will continue to tweak her medication levels to help combat her fatigue due to her missing thyroid.  Follow up... Marisa will remain connected to the medical team at Johns Hopkins.  She will see a doctor every three to six months and have some sort of scan every six months.  Marisa will likely be under surveill