Next Phase Of Treatment & Cousin Sharon


We are a bit behind on posting an update as life has been quite eventful recently.  Here is the latest...

In our last couple of visits to Johns Hopkins we saw both the speech therapist and the endocrinologist.  The speech therapist examined Marisa's vocal folds with a camera that is able to capture movements in slow motion.  Within a matter of two weeks we saw tremendous improvement with the position of the vocal folds.  They are nearly able to fully close and open on their own.  At this point, there are still small leaks of air, but Marisa and I are thrilled!  Both her capacity to speak and breathe are improving at the same time.  Her voice is back almost 100%, she no longer has to take breaths between words, and we are celebrating that she has come so far!

During Marisa's last appointment at Hopkins we also met up with Marisa's sister who traveled several hours to begin her thyroid cancer treatment with the same surgeon.  Marisa is one of five siblings.  Three of them, including Marisa, have been or are undergoing treatment for thyroid cancer within the past year.

Picture taken on our way out of the last Johns Hopkins visit

In about three weeks Marisa will begin her radioactive iodine treatment.  This radioactive iodine is meant to destroy any stray cancer cells where the surgery took place.  Marisa will also receive a full body scan during this time.  If there are any additional cancerous masses anywhere else in her body the radioactive iodine will illuminate it and a plan for treatment will made at that time.  During this treatment, Marisa will be isolated for one week in order to reduce radiation exposure to others.  Doctors are optimistic that during this phase of treatment they will not find any other masses.  However, we have been reminded that the medical team does not know how long cancer was in her lymphatic system before surgery, and how much time it has had to spread.

In other news, we are sad to share that two weeks ago we suddenly lost Marisa's dear cousin, Sharon.  Sharon's and Marisa's families grew up next door to each other, and the eight kids are as close as siblings.  This has been a devastating loss for all and the grief runs deep.  Sharon was very special and loved by so many people, and she will always be missed.  Marisa and I attended the memorial service on Long Island.  There are hardly words to express such a loss in writing, but Marisa is always happy to share with you about Sharon and how much she meant to her.

From right to left: Sharon, Kristen (sister), and Marisa
Thank you for your continued prayers and concern.  Please pray for Marisa and her sisters who are recovering from and facing new treatments.  When you pray, would you please remember our extended family during this time of mourning?  


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
~ Jesus


Much love,
Matt & Marisa


  1. Continuing to pray for your dear family, Matt & Marisa!

  2. Wow, thank you for all the updates! We're praying for you up here in the ADKS, Matt & Marisa!

  3. Continued prayers for Marisa and her sisters. The enemy must be mighty afraid of the power and promises this family has in Jesus. Praying peace, protection, and healing over ALL of you! ♥️ the Siegels


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